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Allison Oliver

Allison Oliver

Assistant Professor

College of Education

Ph.D. Special Education - The University of Mississippi

Ed.S. Educational Leadership- Arkansas State University

M.S. Special Education - Arkansas State University

B.S. Social Services- Belhaven University

Prior to fully transitioning into higher education, my work in education spans across 17 years of public school teaching and leadership experience, positive behavioral coaching, and special education professional development content curation. I love teaching individuals how to advocate and provide equitable services and practices to all students, regardless of their diverse needs or disabilities.

I am interested in special education behavioral interventions and instructional practices, specifically with students with behavioral disorders and minoritized populations. Additionally, I enjoy exploring multi-cultural educational practices as an intervention for students in special education.

  • Soares, D.A., Oliver, A., Harrison, J.R. & Vannest, K.J. (2022). Project-Based Learning in Inclusive Settings: Students with and at-risk of Disabilities in S. Slough and M. Capraro (Eds.) STEM Project Based Learning-Engineering for a New Era. (3rd edition).